Wednesday, September 9, 2015

update on plein air prep

Day two of prep and Many, Many hours later I think I have got it-of course it depends how windy it will be.
First I would like to say the tripod/pochade' box is a much faster set up that the plein air easel. I seriously thought of using it instead until I remembered Someone wanting to look at stars altered my tripod so it no longer held static in a level position.  I think I had to put J.B. Weld in a crucial spot to make it rigid and that someone broke the weld.
The umbrella contraption with plastic conduit was  too cumbersome and did not seem all that sturdy-and I have no desire to secure it with tent stakes if I don't have to-(all that bending ........not to mention keeping my balance and swinging a hammer.) Also,it took up too much room on the rolling cart. You can see in the photos how big it is. Also the umbrella kept breaking "spokes" so it had to be thrown out. I did learn you can paint an umbrella.
A gal on WetCanvas forum said she used car windshield sunscreens , but I couldn't find any at Meijers. I did have black foam core board , some silver foil soft foam core material (used in packaging some medical stuff that my sister Karolyn gave me). I scored the black foam core so it would bend and duct taped the silver to the top.The silver will reflect the sun and the black keep too much light from bouncing on the canvas.
I drilled one hole in the back, two on the front sides and tied them to the easels legs and through a board and legs in the rear with shoelaces.
Seems to work well INSIDE-don't know about outside, It'll be lighter to carry and easier to set up so I hope it works.The last pic shows the silver top. In the easel pic you can see a red  bag on the back added for weight. (recognize the material Janet?)The leather container once held binoculars but the top broke. I put in two plastic "cool aid" containers and attached a strap. This will hold my brushes. I bought new plein air brushes that are 23 " long! Not what I am used to. The blue topped container holds my glass palette.
I'll show the brush cleaner I made next time and show it all packed on the cart.
Thanks great niece Schuyler for helping me load the photos !

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